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Victoria Day 2022 at LCYC

Karl Loenhart

Yesterday Gord, HP, Pamela, and I used Brechin's crane to load the mast on to Blue Max. Some missing turnbuckle parts halted the progress. So the mast on Blue Max will likely get stepped at the club later, with a few people, as Gord, Sue, and I did on my Leading Edge last summer. It took us only a few minutes then and three people seemed to work well enough for a deck stepped mast of that size.

I loaded some gear onto Leading Edge and enjoyed a little chat with Charlie, who had been bringing the deck of Second Wind up to a Bristol condition. Then after learning that neither the sunshine nor the great new WIFI couldn’t entice Wanda and the Beaverton Buys to come down to the club, Pamela, and I joined Gord and Sue on for a very pleasant sail. HP decided to work - his workplace must be relentless - I wouldn’t know! Anyway, Splash Gordon was brought near Pamela’s and HP's cottage to taunt him.

Upon our return, my pondering turned to the plight of Lucas and Stacy. Sloop Dog will likely step the mast on at the club later too. I opted not to go snooping at her shrouds and hardware, thinking it best to set up a time later in the week - as Lucas had conveyed that might work. Instead I continued to load up my own sloop. My trips between Leading Edge and the UN40FIED (my Jeep) were interspersed with stops for some gam designed to prevent Dave and Sayel from getting too much done on the Griffin. Also I had a great discourse with Anne and Margo about how they might secure their passage on race nights as crew. I hope to see many people doing that this season!

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