Our Club
Current membership is about 60 individuals and families. We have a nice balance of informal and formal social events. From mid-May thru early October we have club racing and cruising events. LCYC attracts members from the GTA, Kawarthas and around Lake Simcoe. Located 5 minutes from Brechin and 15 minutes north of Beaverton on the east side of Lake Simcoe it is a short one hour drive due north from Whitby.
Lagoon City Yacht Club members dock their boats in the heart of Lagoon City, a unique marine environment consisting of an extensive system of lagoons enabling boaters to moor their boats in sheltered and calm waters. Members of Lagoon City Yacht Club enjoy sailing camaraderie along with a full range of seasonal activities that begin with launch in early May and conclude with the annual Awards Dinner in mid-October.

The Lagoon City Yacht Club is on the second floor of the Lagoon City Community Centre building. Facilities include a large function room, washrooms with showers and a fully equipped kitchen. There is a large screened in deck off the second floor spacious main area.
There are 28 mooring slips in the lagoon fronting the Club House, complete with electricity and water. Each has easy access to Club House amenities, picnic tables and propane BBQ’s. Additional docking space is available along the shore wall for visitors from reciprocating yacht clubs.
Within Lagoon City there a restaurant which is within easy walking distance of the Yacht Club.
As you enter the main harbour of Lagoon City the Knights Inn Harbour Resort & Hotel is located on the starboard side.
Lagoon City Marina further down the canal on the port side, and is a full service marina which provides services including a 35 ton travel lift, mast crane, gas, diesel, water, pump-out, ice, mooring, complete marine repair facilities and winter storage.